Mon-Thur: 3:30-8:45; Fri: 3:30-7:45 ; Sat: 9:00-12:00 344 West Main St. Milford, CT 06460
(203) 874-3444 wctmasterj@yahoo.com

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Our schools and teaching methods are guided by a common set of values which are very similar to the Boy-Girl Scouts of America. We believe that training in Taekwondo is an opportunity to teach important values which will not only help our students achieve higher ranks in Taekwondo, but also will stay with them and help them their entire life. God gave us one body, one mind and one sprit; it is our job to take care of and develop all three.
Our Slogan = To be a champion you must train with champions.
Our Spirit = C.R.I.S.P. Determination
CRISP Determination
Courtesy is also a way of life. Whether it is saying Yes Ma’am or Yes Sir to an adult or opening a door for a lady or friend, how we display courteous polite behavior tells people a lot about us. Webster’s Dictionary says; as polite behavior; a polite remark or gesture.
Respect yourself and everyone. We all need to respect others as well as ourselves. We should always show respect to persons in authority and people who are older then us. Webster’s Dictionary says; Show regard for, esteem, concern; willingness to show appreciation for or consideration for, polite expression of appreciation.
Integrity is a steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. Is defined as “Strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct”. Webster’s Dictionary says; firm adherence to a code of standard of values; solidness.
Self-Control is a dominant influence or authority over oneself. Webster’s Dictionary says; control one’s feelings, desires or actions by one’s will.
Perseverance is to persist in an idea, purpose, or task despite obstacles. Remember that when learning a new kick or form that doesn’t come easy to you or doing that math problem that you don’t quite understand, keep trying and you will get it. Webster’s Dictionary says; a steadfast adherence to a course of action, belief or propose.
Determination - Indomitable Spirit is incapable of being subdued or defeated, specifically spiritually. Indomitable Spirit is the combination of all the other tenants. Showing courtesy to others and exercising self-control help build indomitable spirit. Persevering through tough times shows indomitable spirit; the spirit that is given to us by God. Webster’s Dictionary says; the quality of being resolute or firm in purpose; a fixed tendency for an objective.
Through Taekwondo training, we strive to develop the full potential in our students, enabling them to embrace the challenges of life more successfully, while setting the highest standard of excellence. World Champion Taekwondo will provide unparalleled Taekwondo martial arts training throughout Connecticut and all 50 States of the United States of America with top world champion Korean Masters Instructors with a minimum of 4th Degree Black Belt. All the Master Instructors will be chosen and trained by Grand Master Park before establishing their own schools. This will be done while maintaining the main Taekwondo training focus: respect, discipline, confidence and self-confidence. WCT students will learn more than basic techniques of self defense, they will learn the five benefits of Taekwondo which are the cornerstones of the philosophy that embody the art: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, and determination. WCT Masters will develop in every student a strong sense of self confidence while maintaining the Taekwondo training focus: respect and discipline.
To maintain and develop only students who adhere to and maintain the five benefits of Taekwondo. To train, monitor and maintain only; the students who show respect for self, others and country and students who show determination and discipline.